Hi there! My name is Shaley, the main creator of
Sunshine N Rainbows

I’m a regular person just like you, a mother of two little ones aged 4 and 2. I’ve faced numerous challenges in life and always seek ways to enhance my life. This blog covers a variety of topics, with a primary emphasis on wellness and self-improvement.

I believe in the power of embracing life’s challenges and turning them into opportunities for growth. As a mother of two young children, I understand the daily struggles and juggling act that comes with parenthood. Through my experiences, I strive to share valuable insights and tips on how to achieve wellness and self-improvement amidst the chaos of everyday life.


In this blog, you can expect to find practical advice on maintaining physical and mental well-being, as well as strategies for personal growth and development. From self-care routines to mindfulness practices, I aim to create a space where readers can feel inspired and motivated to prioritize their own mental health and happiness.


Join me on this journey of exploration and discovery as we navigate the ups and downs of life together. Let’s support each other in our quest for a more fulfilling and enriching existence. Remember, we are all in this together, learning and growing every step of the way.

Not always Sunshine N Rainbows

When my spouse and I were dating, we kickstarted our motivation through 30-Day Challenges. This had a profound effect, transforming my reality in unexpected ways. After getting married, our lives became extremely busy: we sold my house, relocated to a new city, transitioned jobs, sold my car, encountered multiple family losses, welcomed our first child, and I faced postpartum anxiety and depression. Then, the pandemic hit. Despite the obstacles of COVID, it felt like a silver lining for me. Being an introvert, I initially hesitated to expose my baby to any risks. However, as things settled, we adapted and began to focus on our top priority – our family. Collaborating, we motivated each other to strive for excellence and aim for a better life than our upbringing.

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