one year of 30-day challenges

There I was, feeling like my entire life had just crumbled around me. Everything changed in the blink of an eye. My marriage was on the brink of ending, and my heart was shattered into five million pieces. It was during this time that I decided I need to make a change, hell- we both did, but it was my job to focus on me for once. We had started doing 30-day challenges when we first started dating and I loved that they were  easy accountable way to push myself with eliminating the dreadful commitment of FOREVER.


I decided to push myself further than I had ever before. I embarked on my “Path to Positivity”. 

The first challenge I set for myself was to practice gratitude daily. Each morning, I would wake up and jot down three things I was thankful for. At first, it felt awkward, like forcing a smile when you don’t feel like it. But gradually, I noticed a shift. My perspective started to change; even on the hardest days, I could find a glimmer of light.


Next, I incorporated daily exercise into my routine. I started practicing yoga again, something I loved and did a lot before having my kids. The slow, deliberate movements and focus on breathing helped calm my frazzled nerves and brought a sense of peace I hadn’t felt in years. 


My third challenge was perhaps the most difficult: forgiveness. I had to learn to forgive myself for my perceived failures and to forgive my partner for the hurts we had inflicted on each other. We started couples therapy, and while it was initially uncomfortable to lay our emotions bare, it became a safe space where we could rebuild trust and understanding.


As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, I began to see the fruits of my labor. My heartache, while still present, was no longer an all-consuming monster. My relationship, though not perfect, was showing signs of renewal. Most importantly, I was rediscovering parts of myself I had long forgotten.


My “Path to Positivity” is not a straight line. There are and will continue to be setbacks, days when I want to give up, and moments of doubt. But with each challenge, I grew stronger and more resilient. And while the journey is ongoing, I can say with certainty that I am no longer the person I was when I started. I am more compassionate, more open, and more hopeful for the future. This is my story. So far.

February 2024

February was the kick off of my “Challenges”. I chose to do 20 minutes of outside yoga everyday. 

March 2024

No Coffee and no smoking weed 

April 2024

1 Date night per week with my husband, 15-20 Minutes of ‘me’ time in the evenings.

May 2024

No Devices ( no phones, iPads, or TV ) 

June 2024

No Eating out ( home cooked meals only )

July 2024

30 minutes of elevated heart exercise a day 

August 2024

Break and Regroup Month 

September 2024

No smoking & 100% sobriety ( no alcohol or weed )- working on my blog 

October 2024


November 2024


December 2024


January 2025


February 2025


I want to give everyone a little context, my life , just like many of yours is not and will never be perfect. I am honestly at a point in my life that perfect can kiss my ass.  But from here on out, I am going to do my best to ensure that I am doing what is best for me first ( because I need to give myself air first, before I can help anyone. ) You can’t pour from an empty cup, etc.

Below is the overview of the Challenges I chose for myself this year- some are super simple, others I pushed myself further then I thought I could.


Every single day I am learning, and pushing myself to try and be the best version of me that day.  There are good days and there are bad days, but as long as I am still breathing and able bodied I am going to work on myself, because that is what I do best. 


As the year progresses I will update the different Challenges and I plan to write out my experiences for each month and outline specific challenges I encountered. 

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