Our start to Non Toxic Living


Ever since I was a kid, I have kind of been a little bit of a germaphobe. I even won the “Howie Mandel” award during my 3rd grade softball banquet.

Needless to say, once I became pregnant that tiny germaphobe became a full blown FREAK when it came to germs. I mean the sound of an allergy sniffle almost had me calling out from work. I could not mentally handle the thought of getting sick.

Not to mention I gave birth to my first baby in December of 2019 

( right before COVID-19 went rampant ) that did not help matters.  I was obsessed with having a sanitizer wipe next to me at all times paired with my handy dandy personal sized hand sanitizer that I liberally applied every 20 mins.


After COVID settled down we had our second child in the spring of 2022. Those same thoughts flooded my mind.  My husband and I loaded up on all the sanitizer, antibacterial, tissues, all purpose cleaners, anything ‘cleaning’ we had it.  I mean seriously stocked up ( mainly purchased our stuff from Sams Club) 

Fast forward to today 2024, and we still have a few left over from the original haul- and as soon as they are gone we will not be purchasing any more. Let me tell you why! 


Have you actually ever looked at the back of those ingredient lists? The unknown chemicals, and the crazy ‘to-do’ before you can use the surface you just ‘cleaned’-some of these products you actually have to RINSE off with SOAP & WATER. Um, I am sorry- this spray was supposed to clean this surface, and I am pretty sure I just made it worse. 

2024 the year of Organic & Non Toxic Living

This year, we have committed to becoming a more ‘non-toxic’ and organic household. 

Holy overwhelming, when looking at all the things we use on a daily basis this scared the crap out of me. The list seemed never ending : each room in our house needed a complete health over. Our Kitchen,Bathroom, Bedrooms, Living Rooms, Sunroom, Basement. All of it was hiding a plethora of hidden chemicals and toxic ingredients in each item we were using to keep the germs and gross away. And with two littles, 3 dogs and two cats there was plenty of gross to go around.



Don’t believe me? Take a peak for yourself. This link takes you to a website were it actually “grades” your products A-F.EWG.ORG 

Holy crap I was shocked. ( I mean not really, but jeepers)  You can check out all sorts of things from all household supplies to beauty and health products. This website was life altering for me. 

Each month this year I am going to be clearing our house of all the crap that we spent hundreds of dollars on. This is not limited to the cleaning products, but all products, including our food. We are starting a fully organic garden this year, cross your fingers for us. Neither of us have any experience in gardening. We will be documenting the entire process shortly to watch it unfold. 🙂

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